Caffeinated Zombie

July 18, 2009
That's what I've felt like all day.  A caffeinated zombie ...on speed, lol.  After a large amount of consecutive days of about six hours of sleep total, I'll wake up from my two-hour nighttime nap, drink my caffeinated and ginseng-loaded green tea, I start running around working and driving myself crazy with errands and completing other essential daily tasks, with my body going speeds of an access of 90mph ...but my mind is still foggy and half-asleep.  I feel like I'm on drugs or something.  Maybe it's the extra ginseng ...?

Anyway!  Despite my insomnia, I've been able to actually make progress with some things online and offline.  And well, actually, not sleeping enables me to complete them, so it's been semi-beneficial; but sometimes doing so causes me to not sleep.  Vicious cycle, I guess.

I uploaded pictures of my recent visit up to northern Michigan.  It's a really scanty gallery, but it's still interesting pictures at least.  I'm also about ready to upload some more pictures I've taken from where I live down here.  I've been actually drawing too.  It's mostly been at night.  And I've been writing non-stop too.  If I'm not working, checking off things on my to do list, drawing, trying to eat or trying to sleep, I'm writing until 4am.  I have about five separate short stories I'm working on now, and one full-length one that I'm hoping to post somewhere.  But I'm a little nervous about posting my written work somewhere, to be honest.  My art I don't mind too much, because to date I haven't made anything extraordinary enough for me to really be too worried about someone stealing, but my writing I take a little more pride in.

If you have any good advice for posting written work somewhere safe, please shoot me an email, or contact me on deviantART.  I'd really appreciate it and love you forever!  I promise!

Hope you all are doing well and staying out of trouble ;-P

Ready Steady Go!

May 28, 2009
Hey, so there's this song I've had stuck in my head for a really long time.  When I was visiting my boyfriend up north we watched Full Metal Alchemist almost the entireity of the two nights I was there.  On one of the DVDs they had the second opening music video by Arc-en-Ciel that's called "Ready, Steady, Go!"  Wanna see?  It's pretty cool.  Just beware of chibi men giggling like little girls at the beginning, a chain-smoker bassit, and random flashes of glittery accessories!  Wheee~!!

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New Site, New Blog, New Job!

May 21, 2009

I've been wanting to keep my deviantART journal more on the art-related side, so that's where this blog comes in to play!  Here I can chat about my web findings, my adventures, and other stuff that I think dA people just don't seem to care about.  And, well, to be perfectly honest I doubt anyone actually reads my dA journal anyway I don't think anyone will care.  But, you know, it might be because I keep jabbering on about useless and meaningless things that have nothing to do about me ...

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