Welcome to Coke Coke Kitty's Corner!




(May 21, 2009):

I did away with the banner (that I actually worked quite hard on) because I can't seem to get a hold of the artist that I got the base photo from of the cat that looked like Coke Kitty.  I didn't want to be an art thief, so I thought it was best to take it off of my page just to be safe.  I was also not liking the green color theme either, so even if I do get permission, I'm probably going to make a whole new banner with a different color scheme.

Added: 'Multimedia', 'About', 'Links', and 'blog' pages with preliminary content in each.  But they still need more content added. Consider them still 'under construction' for now... 


(May 16, 2009):

I've been working on this site on and off for the last couple of weeks, but today I finally published it and got it up and running!  Yay!  I hope I can finally have a little freedom with a website now.  I'm really impressed with this Yola website and I'd highly recommend it for any low-tech free website endevors!  I love it!  I made the new banner today from a picture taken by Oliver Pietern ( he's on dA too) that's a perfect version of what Coke Kitty might look like in real life!  Aww!  So cute!  I want to add more to it, but I'll leave it the way it is for now, just because of the lack of time I have.  Hope you enjoy, though!

Added: 'About' page; 'Updates' page, preliminary content in all pages, new banner with the real life Coke Kitty

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